Gold Leaf Macarons

I made gold leaf macarons as a gift a few weeks ago. I also thought this would be the perfect post for my 1 year blog anniversary. Mini Munchie is one year old! Thanks for everyone's support through my first year of blogging.  Looking back at the pictures I took for my first chocolate chip cookie … [READ MORE & GET THE RECIPE...]

Gruyère Grilled Cheese with Roasted Garlic

  It has been a while since I posted a savory recipe. I've been meaning to share this simple yet amazing grilled cheese with you but I have always been too tempted to eat this right away before shooting any photos! Gruyere is one of my favorite cheeses because I love French onion soup. I am … [READ MORE & GET THE RECIPE...]

Crème Brûlée

  I took a mini vacation from mini munchie and now I am ready to come back with exciting new recipes! Creme Brulee has always been one of my favorite go to desserts on the menu because I always try to order something I can't make myself. But, you'll be surprised with how few ingredients this … [READ MORE & GET THE RECIPE...]